2015-02-25 - Little Free Library of Pimmit Hills


~7.7 miles @ ~12.5 min/mi

"Community Library" says the sign on the big mailbox-like container by Pimmit Dr. My flashlight reveals several dozen books available for loan behind the glass front. Kerry, Kristin, and I are on a 19°F ramble along neighborhood streets, dodging cars and icy patches, enjoying one another's company, and admiring blue-and-pink clouds as the sun rises. Eyebrows turn white with frost.

When K&K accuse me of leading I deny it: "I'm just following you from in front!" We explore side streets and map out a fractal route. One of us with an all-day meeting ahead comments that it's ok if s/he arrives a bit late: "I'm just setting appropriate expectations for my presence!" Conversation includes the issue of whether a potential employer is out-of-line in asking an applicant to provide social media account names and passwords. It's a New Age for personal privacy. Runkeeper records route.

^z - 2015-03-16